John is a serial entrepreneur having got a taste for business in his late teens when he took employment in a nationalised business operating in the transport and logistics sector, where he quickly rose to management level. He then moved into the private sector and within three years was appointed to the Board of a transport and logistics business and acquired a shareholding.
In his role as Group Operations Director, John developed and implemented a profit improvement plan across all depots nationwide and drove an aggressive acquisition strategy before facilitating the exit of his fellow shareholders by leading the buy-out element of a BIMBO backed by a number of Private Equity firms including 3i.
On being appointed Group Managing Director he implemented the successful restructuring of the Group and led the acquisition of a company of similar turnover thus doubling the Group’s size. Following this he was appointed to the post of Chief Executive Officer and went on to lead an aggressive development strategy including leading edge MIS development in house, entry into new sectors, and targeted contractual wins. Turnover increased from £5m to £40mover a period of six years, with annual profits exceeding £1.5m.
Following the sale of the Group to Bibby Distribution, he remained with the business for a period to oversee the acquisition and provide integration advice, before leaving to set up an acquisition vehicle. A distressed business was acquired; a turnaround strategy implemented and John then sold his shareholding to the remaining management team.
A family funeral business was started with his eldest Son, and this enjoyed exceptionally rapid growth. This enabled the business to expand rapidly by opening additional branches, and the business was sold within five years of start up to one of the UK’s leading funeral operators at a premium price.
John’s vast experience of owning and running businesses provides invaluable benefit to any business seeking advice.

Martin has vast knowledge of the SME sector having worked init for over 25 years. Having qualified as a Chartered Accountant, Martin becamea Partner in a top 20 practice specialising in the SME sector, providing thefull range of services covering start up situations to companies with turnoverup to £100m. Whilst in practice he dealt with a whole range of industries andsectors.
Having been involved with a number of businesses in a Non-Executive Directorrole whilst in practice, he left public practice and was involved in theacquisition of a transport and logistics company and became Managing Director.After successfully growing the business, he left the business following aManagement Buyout. He has been involved with a number of businesses inDirector/ Shareholder positions, and has occupied a number of part time FinanceDirector roles to assist clients grow their business, prepare for an exit anddeal with the sale process.
Martin has a passion for providing SME businesses with the entrepreneurial,pro-active advice they require to successfully grow and ultimately exit.